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Neuropathy targets the sensory nerve endings at the skin level, often beginning in the feet. When these nerve endings are affected, they can’t work properly, which results in a loss of sensation. Notably, the same type of nerve endings present in the feet are also on the face. To see if you might have small fiber neuropathy, you can try a straightforward test with a metal-handled knife from your flatware and a hairdryer. This is an abbreviated version of the Toronto Clinical Scoring System for Peripheral Neuropathy.  If there is a loss of sensation in the feet compared to the face you may have neuropathy.  The earlier it is diagnosed and treated the better the long term results will be.   Schedule a free consultation and evaluation.

Flatware Knife


First take the knife and hold it by the blade end in your hand and touch the handle end to the side of your face just in front of the ear on both sides of your face, it should feel cool, hold for three seconds.  Don't hold it to long as your skin will warm it up.  If they feel the same you can use either side of your face for this simple test, if not use the side that felt the least cool. Now touch your face again with the handle end and quickly touch the top of your foot at the instep, does it feel the same or is it a lot less?  Now touch on top of your toes?  If it feels significantly less cool.  Chances are you have small fiber neuropathy.  You might want to set the knife a side for a while and try it again to make sure the knife did not warm up from your skin.


Now, take a hairdryer, set it on low heat and low fan, turn it on and blow the warm air on the side of your face just in front of your ear on the same side that you used for the knife for 3 seconds.  Now blow it on the top of your foot at the instep and on the top of your toes again for 3 seconds.  Do they feel the same or is there a significate difference in the intensity of the heat? 


If there is a significant decrease in your ablility to feel these two sensations in your feet in comparison to your face the chances are you do have a small fiber neuropathy.  Published research studies have shown that the treatment we provide can reverse this nerve damage and maintain the results.  


Schedule Your Consultation
Lets Re-establish Normal Sensations. 
Free to the First 10 Callers by Friday, February 14th

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