It's a common misconception that neuropathy can be cured; in reality, only treatments exist. This prompts a vital question: how long do these treatments remain effective? For roughly 90% of neuropathy patients treated in-office, the results usually last around 3 to 6 months after the treatment is finished. However, for those who choose our at-home treatment, the results can last for years.
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At Your Consultation
The consultation takes about 90 minutes and is one on one with me only. I've been successfully treating neuropathy without medications for over 15 years, I would like the opportunity to explain how this could possibly help you.
We will go over your history, neuropathy is diagnosed based upon a medical history and physical examination of the feet and/or hands. During an examination, there may be signs of nerve injury, including:
Loss of the ability to sense vibration and movement in the toes or feet (e.g., when the toe is moved up or down)
Loss of the ability to sense pain, light touch, and temperature in the toes, feet or hands, these sensations are evaluated against an area of your skin, normally the face, where you have normal sensation to determine if a loss is present. This evaluation was developed by two neurologists about 21 years ago. In early stages of neuropathy, you may still be able to feel these sensations, just not as strongly as you should.
More extensive testing, including nerve conduction studies, nerve biopsy, or imaging tests (e.g., X-ray or computed tomography [CT] scan), is not usually needed to diagnose neuropathy.
We will also do a simple non-invasive test for Nitric Oxide, a naturally occurring compound in our body that is essential for our treatments to work.
I’ll answer your questions, explain how and why our protocols work if I determine that this will work for you and give you my recommendations. I can help about 88% of the people that come into my office, with the other 12% I will give you recommendations on who you should see from here. My goal is to help as many people as possible and sometimes I’m not the one that can help. What you do with the information is up to you. My promise is I will be thorough, honest and will not pressure you.
You can call me directly 7am to 8pm PST, seven days a week outside of office hours and I will be happy to answer your questions the best I can before you ever come in.
The phone link below will call our office. If you would like us to call you, just fill out the form below and I will be happy to call you as close as possible to the time you request.